Difficult access projects

Some jobs no matter how big or small require our vast experience and access knowledge, a few examples of what we can achieve an projects completed.


Banner Instulations

Extreme Access are the first port of call for numerous banner and signage companies, with excellent install results every time we are very proud of our sterling reputation. Using rope access methods we are able to effectively install and remove a wide range of advertising media. Our contract managers are regulary trusted by our printing clients to attend sites and advise on the best form of installation for media. 

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Extreme Access holds various contracts for the annual cleaning of kitchen ducts throughout the UK. Ductwork is perfect for rope access and companies have a legal obligation to maintain all ductwork. 

We undertake not only essential maintenance but required repiars to broken area and installation projects in conjunction with other contractors. 


Electrical Work

Extreme Access personnel stand aside from most competitors in that man of our staff are trademen such as welders, electricians, riggers, engineers, brick workers and inspection personnel. 

This in turn enables us to support a diverse rang of customer requirements from simple rigging to complex electrical works. 

We offer a versatile service for the installation and maintenance of electrical systems, making it possible for our clients to realise projects in a cost effectiveness and safe manner.